Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Transplantation Regulatory Authority Rules, 2017 (DRAFT)

Dated Peshawar the ____________


No-S.O_____________ In exercise of the powers conferred under section 33 of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Transplantation Regulatory Authority Act, 2014 (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Act No. XI of 2014), the Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is pleased to make the following rules:

1.     Short title and commencement.– (1) These rules may be called the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Transplantation Regulatory Authority Rules, 2017.
(2) They shall come into force at once.

2.     Definitions.– (1) In these rules:
a.     “Act” means the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Transplantation Regulatory Authority Act, 2014;
b.     “Form” means the form annexed to these rules;
c.     “non-close blood relative” means a relative, who is not a close blood relative but does not include an unrelated donor;
d.     “section” means the section of the Act; and
e.     “un related donor” means a donor who is neither close blood relative nor non-close blood relative of the recipient.
(2) All other words and expressions used and not defined in these rules shall have the meaning assigned to them under the Act.

3.      Authorization for donation during lifetime.– A living donor, who is not less than eighteen years of age, may during his lifetime voluntarily donate any organ or tissue of his body to any other living person and the donation of organ or part or tissue by such person shall be authorized voluntarily by completing Forms 1, 2 or 3, whichever is applicable.
4.      Authorization for donation after death.– (1) Any person who is not less than eighteen years of age, may before his death, in writing duly signed and verified by the concerned Transplant Evaluation Committee, donate any of his organ or tissue for transplantation and for this purpose may authorize any recognized institution by voluntarily completing Form 6 as per terms and conditions contained therein.

(2) A donation under sub-rule (1) may be revoked at any time during lifetime of the donor as per terms and conditions contained in Form 6A, under written intimation to the concerned recognized institution and the concerned Transplant Evaluation Committee.

5.     Duties of the transplant surgeon or physician.– (1) A recognized transplant surgeon or physician shall, before removing a human organ from the body of a donor before his death, obtain complete application, documents, details and Forms as detailed below, from the patient and donor, and only after satisfying himself about the veracity of the documents and the information so obtained, the transplant surgeon or physician shall forward the same alongwith annexures, if any, to all the members of the concerned Transplant Evaluation Committee for proper evaluation of the case:

(a)  donor’s application in Form 10 jointly with the recipient to grant approval for removal and transplantation of a human organ;
(b)  original CNIC of patient and the donor, issued by the National Database and Registration Authority;
(c)  donor’s authorization for donation in Forms 1, 2 or 3, whichever is relevant;
(d)  the recognized transplant surgeon or physician shall, after ensuring that the donor is in proper state of health and fit to donate the organ or tissue, sign a certificate as specified in Form 4; and
(e)  in case the recipient is spouse of the donor, the donor shall give a statement to confirm that they are so related by signing a certificate in Form 2 and the recognized transplant surgeon or physician shall also sign and forward a certificate in this regard as specified in Form 5.

(2) In case of removal of any human organ or tissue from the body of a person after his death, the recognized transplant surgeon or physician before forwarding the case to the Transplant Evaluation Committee shall satisfy himself:

(a) that the donor had, in the presence of two or more witnesses (at least one of whom is a close blood relative of such person), unequivocally authorized the concerned recognized institution and the Transplant Evaluation Committee as specified in Form 6 before his death, the removal of the human organ of his body, after his death, for therapeutic purposes;

(b)  that written certification has been obtained from the Transplant Evaluation Committee that death has occurred;

(c)  that the donor has not at any time during his lifetime revoked the authorization in the manner as per Form 6A, under written intimation to the concerned medical institution or hospital and the Transplant Evaluation Committee; and

(d)  that the person lawfully in possession of the dead body has signed a certificate as specified in Form 7.

(3) A recognized transplant surgeon or physician shall, before removing a human organ from the body of a person in the event of his brain-stem death, satisfy himself:

(a)  that a certificate as specified in Form 8 has been issued by the Transplant Evaluation Committee; and

(b)  that in the case of brain-stem death of a person, less than eighteen years of age, a certificate specified in Form 8 has been issued by the Transplant Evaluation Committee and an authorization as specified in Form 9 has been signed by either of the parents or other close blood relative of such person.
6.     Functioning of Transplant Evaluation Committees.– (1) Every Transplant Evaluation Committee shall, for the performance of its functions, hold meetings as may be necessary but not less than twice a month, at the respective recognized institution on the date and time as shall mutually be decided by the members of the hospital Transplant Evaluation Committee.

(2) The quorum for the Transplant Evaluation Committee shall be five members, however, the quorum shall not be complete without participation of at least one of the two local notables and the transplant surgeon.

(3) The Transplant Evaluation Committee shall perform its functions as provided in the Act in accordance with these rules.

(4) Brain death of a person shall be determined in writing by the following members of the Transplant Evaluation committee:
(a)  a neurosurgeon or neurophysician; and
(b)  an intensivist.

(5) At the time of the meeting, the Transplant Evaluation Committee shall take proper cognizance of all relevant details and documents and in case it is considered necessary, the Transplant Evaluation Committee may require any additional information or conduct inquiry, in order to confirm the veracity or correctness of any information, declaration or document.

(6) No approval for removal or transplantation of any human organ or tissue from a living donor shall be given unless the effects, complications and hazards connected with the removal or transplantation to the donor and its outcome in the recipient, are explained to them by the transplant surgeon.

7.     Donation from close blood relatives.– (1) Where the proposed transplant is between the close blood relatives, the concerned Transplant Evaluation Committee shall evaluate:
(a)  results of tests for Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA), alleles A, B and DR performed by serology or DNA-PCR methods and, if necessary, further testing by contemporary technology that is micro satellite gene analysis to confirm relationship;
(b)  documentary evidence of relationship including computerized national identity card, birth certificates and marriage certificate; and
(c) documentary evidence of identity and residence of the proposed donor including computerized national identity card, passport, driving license or bank account.

(2) If in the opinion of the Transplant Evaluation Committee, the relationship is not conclusively established after evaluating the above evidence, the Transplant Evaluation Committee may in its discretion direct further medical tests as applicable in that case under the prevalent medical best practices.

(3) Where the tests referred to above do not establish a genetic relationship between the donor and the recipient, the same tests are to be performed on preferably both parents or at least one parent, if parents are not available, same tests are to be performed on such relatives of donor and recipient as are available and are willing to be tested failing which, genetic relationship between the donor and the recipient shall be deemed to have not been established.
(4) The papers for approval of transplantation shall be collected and processed by the recognized transplant surgeon or physician and the approval shall be granted or refused by the Transplant Evaluation Committee for the reasons to be recorded in writing.

8.     Donation from non-close blood relatives.– (1) Where the proposed transplant is between the individuals who are non-close blood relatives as per subsection (2) of section 3 of the Act, the Transplant Evaluation Committee shall:
(i)  obtain an affidavit duly notified by the Notary Public and witnessed by at least two independent witnesses, along with a credible document of the National Database and Registration Authority or Director General of Immigration and Passports or concerned Union Council from the patient, containing the complete particulars and whereabouts of his all close blood relatives, so that it could be established without any doubt that no close blood relative, of the recipient is available to donate any tissue or organ to the patient;
(ii)  satisfy itself that a close blood relative donor exists but he is not medically fit for donation and the patient has produced all necessary details and credible documents in this regard;
(iii) satisfy itself that the donation is voluntary, genuinely motivated and there is no commercial transaction between the recipient and the donor and no payment of money or moneys worth has been made or promised to be made to the donor or any other person and in this connection, the Transplant Evaluation Committee shall take into consideration:
(a) an explanation regarding any link between them and the circumstances which led to the offer being made;
(b)  documentary evidence of the link including proof that they have lived together;
(c)  reasons why the donor intends to donate his body organ or tissue;
(d) any gross disparity between the status of the two, which must be evaluated in the backdrop of the objective of preventing commercial dealing;
(e) the financial status of the donor and the recipient may be probed by asking them to give appropriate evidence of their profession and income for the previous three financial years;
(f) there is no middleman or tout involved;
(g) the donor is not a drug addict and is capable of understanding about his intention to donate an organ, procedure of
transplantation and the effects thereof on the donor and the recipient;
(h) the next of kin of the proposed donor is interviewed regarding awareness about his intention to donate an organ, the authenticity of the link between the donor and the recipient and the reasons for donation; and
(i) any strong views of disagreement or objection of such kin may also be recorded and taken note of.

(2) In the course of determining eligibility of the donor to donate, the donor should be personally interviewed by the Transplant Evaluation Committee and minutes of the interview should be recorded.

(3) In case where the donor is a female, greater precautions should be taken, her identity and independent consent should be confirmed by a person other than the recipient.

(4) Any document with regard to the proof of the residence or domicile and particulars of parentage should be relatable to the photo identify of the donor in order to ensure that the documents pertain to the same person, who is the proposed donor and in the event of any inadequate or doubtful information to this effect, the Transplant Evaluation Committee may in its discretion seek such other information or evidence as may be expedient and desirable in the peculiar facts of the case.

(5) The Transplant Evaluation Committee should state in writing its reasons for rejecting or approving the application of the proposed donor or patient and all approvals should be subject to the following conditions:
(a)  the approved proposed donor shall be subject to all such medical tests as required at the relevant stages to determine his biological capacity and compatibility to donate the organ in question;
(b)  psychiatrist clearance shall be mandatory to certify his mental condition, awareness, absence of any over or latent psychiatric disease and ability to give free consent; and
(c)  all prescribed forms have been filled up by all relevant persons involved in the process of transplantation.

(6) The Transplant Evaluation Committee shall take the decision quickly, where no further documents, inquiry or tests are required and use its discretion judiciously and pragmatically, in all such cases.

(7) The Transplant Evaluation Committee shall take final decision about donor’s selection within twenty four hours of holding the meeting for grant of permission or refusal for transplant.

(8) Every recognized hospital or institution shall maintain a website and the decision of the Transplant Evaluation Committee shall appear on the website of the hospital or institution within twenty four hours of taking the decision.

(9) The website of the hospital or institution shall be updated regularly in respect of the total number of the transplantations done in that recognized institution along with the essential details of each transplantation.

9.     Transplantation of unclaimed brain dead persons.– (1) The cases of unclaimed brain dead hospitalized patients shall be presented to any of the notified Transplant Evaluation Committees for transplantation after an intense search for their relatives within twenty four hours including search through National Database and Registration Authority, local police and any other method as may be deemed appropriate.

(2) The concerned Transplant Evaluation Committee may approve any case, referred to in sub-rule (1), for transplantation of any organ or tissue, after:
(a)  determining the brain death of the person;
(b)  determining the identity of the person, if possible, through computerized national identity card, passport, driving license or any other method that the Transplant Evaluation Committee deems fit;
(c)  evaluating the efforts for search of the relatives of the person including search through National Database and Registration Authority, local police and any other method that the Transplant Evaluation Committee deems fit; and
(d)  determining propriety of removal of a human organ using brain death protocol, formulated by the Transplant Evaluation Committee.

10.   Preservation of organs and tissues.– The organ or tissue removed shall be preserved by the recognized institution according to current and accepted scientific methods in order to ensure viability for the purpose of transplantation.

11.  Functioning of Transplant Monitoring Committee.– (1) The Transplant Monitoring Committee shall monitor, supervise and scrutinize transplantation of human organs and tissues.

(2) The Government may, by notification, dissolve any Transplant Evaluation Committee after an enquiry conducted on the basis of a complaint received in writing or upon receipt of complaint of negligence, misconduct or not complying with any provision of the Act or these rules and, in such an eventuality, the Government shall reconstitute Transplant Evaluation Committee within fifteen days of the dissolution of the earlier Committee.

(3) The Transplant Monitoring Committee may organize events to recognize and acknowledge the act of supreme altruism of living donors and the family of deceased donors.
(4) The Transplant Monitoring Committee shall create Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Organ Sharing Network and Organ Procurement Organization consisting of a doctor, a psychologist or sociologist and a nurse.
(5) The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Organ Sharing Network shall obtain information and maintain record of brain death patients whose families have consented for donation and shall liaise with Organ Procurement Organization.
(6) The Organ Procurement Organization shall generate the request of brain death patients and refer the request to the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Organ Sharing Network which may allocate organs according to the current international practices for allocation.
(7) The Transplant Monitoring Committee shall request the Government to institute an endowment fund which shall be used by the Authority for the transplantation of indigent patients including post transplant care and medicines. This endowment fund shall also be used to provide health protection to a donor in pursuance of Section 26 sub-section (1) provided that the Authority shall approve such cases on case to case basis for which separate Regulations may be framed by the Authority. Such Regulations shall also include a proper health protection mechanism for post-transplant care of a recipient to be contributed to by Zakat, Baitul Maal, Non Government Organizations and Philanthropists.
(8) An aggrieved person may give an application under his own hand to the Transplant Monitoring Committee alongwith a copy of Computerized National Identify Card and his contact number detailing therein alleged offence under the Act;
provided that the Transplant Monitoring Committee may investigate the complaint within 15 days of its lodging and, if found substantiated as offence under the Act or rules made thereunder, make complaint in writing to the court
provided further that if the complaint is found unsubstantiated, informed the aggrieved person through written communication including of the reasons.

12.   Registration and functions of recognized institution.– (1) An application for registration as recognized institution or hospital shall be made to the Transplant Monitoring Committee as specified in Form 11.

(2) The application shall be accompanied by a fee of rupees one hundred thousand payable to the Transplant Monitoring Committee by means of a bank draft or postal order provided that the Authority may increase the fee.

(3) The Transplant Monitoring Committee shall, after holding an inquiry and after satisfying itself that the applicant has complied with all the requirements, grant a certificate of interim registration as specified in Form 12 after physical inspection the hospital or institution.

(4) The Transplant Monitoring Committee shall grant a certificate of registration in Form 13 and it shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of its issuance and it shall be renewable.

(5) Every hospital or institution shall maintain complete record of all transplants undertaken including details of the donors.

(6) All such hospitals or institutions shall report to the Transplant Monitoring Committee on the follow up of the donor and the recipient as required under clause (c) of subsection (2) of section 8.
(7) The hospital or institution shall maintain the record of follow-up in a manner as laid down in Form 14 and Form 15.
(8) Transplant Registry Form (Form 16) is to be submitted to Human Organ Transplant Authority on day of operation by electronic mail or fax, followed by a hard copy by post.

13.  Renewal of registration.– (1) An application for the renewal of a certificate of registration of hospital or institution shall be made to the Transplant Monitoring Committee within a period of three months prior to the date of expiry of the original certificate of registration and shall be accompanied by a fee of rupees one hundred thousand payable to the Transplant Monitoring Committee by means of a bank draft or pay order.

(2) A renewal certificate of registration shall be issued as specified in Form 17 and shall be valid for a period of three years.

(3) If, after an inquiry including inspection of the hospital and scrutiny of its past performance and after giving an opportunity to the applicant, the Transplant Monitoring Committee is satisfied that the applicant, since grant of certificate of registration or renewal of registration under these rules has not complied with the requirements of the Act or the rules made thereunder and conditions subject to which the certificate of registration has been granted, shall for reasons to be recorded in writing, refuse to grant renewal of the certificate of registration.

14.  Essential conditions for grant of certificate of registration.– No hospital or institution shall be granted a certificate of registration unless it fulfills the following requirements of manpower, equipment, specialized services and facilities as laid down below:

(i) General Manpower Requirement Specialized Services and Facilities:
(a)  twenty four hours availability of medical and surgical, (senior and junior) staff;
(b)  twenty four hours availability of nursing staff, (general and specialty trained);
(c)  twenty four hours availability of intensive Care Units with adequate equipments, staff and supports system, including specialists in anesthesiology, intensive care;
(d)  twenty four hours availability of laboratory with multiple discipline testing facilities including but not limited to Microbiology, Bio- Chemistry, Pathology and Hematology and Radiology departments with trained staff;
(e)  twenty four hours availability of operation theatre facilities for planned and emergency procedures with adequate staff, support system and equipment;
(f)  twenty four hours availability of communication system, with power backup, including but not limited to multiple line telephones, public telephone systems, fax, computers and paper photo-imaging machine;
(g)  experts (other than the experts required for the relevant transplantation) of relevant and associated specialties including but not limited to and depending upon the requirements, the experts in internal medicine, diabetology, gastroenterology, nephrology, neurology, paediatrics, gynaecology, immunology and cardiology should be available to the transplantation centre;
(ii)  Equipment:
equipment as per current and expected scientific requirement specify to organ or organs being transplanted and the transplant centre should have the availability of the accessories, spare-parts, back-up and maintenance service support system in relation to all relevant equipment;
(iii)  Experts and their qualifications:
(a)    kidney transplantation (Surgeon): FCPS, Urology or equivalent qualification with three years post FCPS or M.S. training in a recognized centre in Pakistan or abroad and having attended to adequate number of renal transplantation as an active member of team;
(b)   kidney transplantation (Nephrologist): FCPS or equivalent qualification with three years post FCPS training in a recognized centre in Pakistan or abroad and having attended to adequate number of renal transplantation as an active member of team;
(c)     Transplantation of liver and other abdominal organs: FCPS General Surgery or equivalent qualification with at least three years post FCPS training in an established centre with reasonable experience of performing liver transplantation as an active member of team;
(d)   Cardiac, pulmonary, cardio-pulmonary transplantation: FCPS, Cardio-thoracic and vascular surgery or equivalent qualification in Pakistan or abroad with at least three years’ experience as an active member of the team performing an adequate number of open heart operations per year and well-versed with coronary by- pass surgery and Heart-Valve surgery; and
(e)    Cornea transplantation: FCPS, ophthalmology or equivalent qualification with at least one year post FCPS training in a recognized hospital carrying out corneal transplant operations.

15.  Procedure of meetings of the Authority. -  (1) The Chairperson may call meetings of the Authority for conduct of its business, at such time and places, as he deems fit.
(2) The Chairperson shall, on the request of not less than three Members, proceed to call a meeting of the Commission within three days of the receipt of the requisition.
(3) The requisition, stating the objects of the meeting, shall be signed by the Members and shall be deposited at the head office of the Authority.
(4) The Chairperson may call a meeting of the Authority forthwith or within such reasonable period depending upon the urgency of the proposed business.
(5) At least three clear days notice shall be given to all the Members for a meeting of the Authority and such notice shall set forth the purpose or purposes for calling the meeting:
Provided that the Chairperson may in his discretion, call a meeting at such shorter notice or with such arrangements as he may deem fit.
(6) The Chairperson shall preside at a meeting of the Authority but if at any meeting, he is not present and has not designated a Member for the purpose, the Members present shall choose a Member to preside at the meeting of the Authority.
(7) In the case of difference of opinion among the Members, the opinion of the majority of the Members present at the meeting shall prevail and orders of the Authority shall be expressed in terms of the views of the majority. Any Member dissenting from the majority view may record his reasons separately. If the Members are evenly divided in their opinion, the Chairperson or, as the case may be, the Member chosen to preside at the meeting, shall have a second or casting vote.
(8) A fair and accurate summary of the minutes of all proceedings of the meetings of the Authority, alongwith the names of those participating in such meetings shall be entered in properly maintained books.
(9) The Chairperson may invite any officer of the Authority and such other person as deemed expedient to attend meetings of the Authority to assist it in the proceedings but such officer or other person shall not participate in the decision making of the Authority
(10) The books containing the minutes of the meetings shall have a “subject index‟ of all the proceedings.
(11) The draft minutes of the meetings of the Authority shall be circulated for confirmation, to all the Members within three days of the conclusion of the proceedings.
(12) The minutes of the meetings as finalized after taking into account the observations of the Members, if any, shall be placed before the next meeting of the Authority for confirmation.
(13) The proceedings of each meeting of the Authority shall be signed and dated by the Chairperson, or in his absence, by the Member presiding over the meeting, as soon as may be, after the confirmation of the minutes and the proceedings so signed shall be conclusive evidence of the proceedings recorded therein.
(14) The decisions taken in a Authority meeting shall be circulated to Members of the Authority and the others concerned for necessary action.
(15) The Chairperson may authorize, with justification, an emergent matter to be disposed of through a resolution by circulation:

Provided that the resolution by circulation shall be signed by all the Members and, in case of absence from Pakistan of any of the Members, by at least three Members.

16.  Removal of non-official member before completion of tenure: – (1) If a non-official member fails to attend three consecutive meetings, without obtaining leave of absence from the Chairperson of the Authority, such member shall be deemed to have resigned from the Authority.
(2)  Government may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, remove a non-official Member during his tenure if ;
(a) he has any interest which is or may be in conflict with the interest of the Authority;
(b) he has been convicted of any offence involving moral turpitude or has been held to be liable in a proceeding under the Act.
(c) he is or has become physically or mentally incapable of performing his functions
17. Financial and Accounting rules:---(1) The accounts of the authority shall be maintained in such form and in such manner as Government may determine in consultation with the Auditor General.

(2) The Administrator shall be the Principal Accounting Officer of the Authority. He shall be the Drawing and Disbursing Officer for the personal ledger accounts or Special Drawing Account at the Treasury.
(3) The Administrator shall be assisted by the Director Finance to be appointed by Health Department in consultation with the Finance Department to head the Finance and Accounts branch. The Director Finance shall be a BS-18 or 19 officer of Government with ten years experience in the relevant field.
(4) The Authority in its dealing with financial matters shall follow the instructions made by Government from time to time.

(5) With the approval of the Authority, the Director Finance shall make arrangements for the financial management of the institution. The pre-audit of all claims shall be conducted. Monthly reconciliation of expenditure and receipts between the accounts/finance branch and Audit Office and the Treasury or Banks.

(6) Any difference arising on financial issues between the Administrator and the Director Finance shall be placed before the Authority and subsequently to the Finance Department, for final decision, through the Health Department.
18. .Fund Management.---(1) All moneys received by the Authority, by grant in aid by Government, donations, users charges, rents, fees or on any other source shall constitute its fund. Grant-in-aid shall be kept in the Profit and Loss Account and the amounts may be transferred to the bank to be operated in the name of the Authority.
(2) All disbursements shall be made out of the fund, under the order of the Administrator. All cheques for payment must bear joint signatures, that is the signature of the Administrator and the signature of the Director Finance.
(3) Funds not require for immediate use, may be invested in Government securities like treasury bills with the approval of the  Authority in accordance with the policy of Government.
(4) There shall be endowment fund to which shall be credited an appropriate percentage of such receipts as may be determined by the Authority.

19. Budget.---(1) The Director Finance shall, prepare and submit the Annual Budget within the limits of the available funds to the Authority through the Administrator for its approval before the commencement of each financial year.

(2) The Director Finance shall, prepare the revised budget estimate in the month of December or with the approval of the Authority and furnish to the Finance Department, after the receipt of revised estimate, the Finance Department will hold the meetings with the authority through Administrator on proper time. Similarly, the budget estimates are to be prepared, finalized and approved from the Authority in the month of February and shall be forwarded to the Finance Department in the month of March.

(3) No contingent liability shall be created by the Authority, for which funds have not been earmarked in the budget.

20.   Complaint Management System:1)---The authority shall have a complaint Management system under the Transplant Inquiry Committee for receiving, managing and resolving complaints submitted to it or the Transplant Inquiry Committee, or taken up  by it on its own, as per the provisions of the Act including sub-sector(2)of section 15.
2) The Transplant Inquiry Committee may, on its own or through a committee of no less than three of its member, hold an inquiry into the complaint and finalize recommendations. In case the complaint is genuine, this Transplant Inquiry Committee may refer it to the court, however in case of otherwise it may inform the complainant after recording the reasons in writing on the complaints received, provided in such a case the aggrieved party may, within thirty days from the date of communication of the order of the Transplant Inquiry committee, prefer an appeal in writing to the Authority whose decision shall be final.

21.  Registration of a Complaint. (1) An aggrieved person shall make a Complaint to the Transplant Inquiry Committee in line with the Complaint Management System as established under Rule-20
(2) If the Complaint of the Aggrieved person is not addressed by the Transplant Inquiry Committee within thirty (30) days from the date of submission of the complaint, the Aggrieved person may make a Complaint to the Authority as provided in the Act,.
(3) Every Complaint should be accompanied by an affidavit, bearing signature or the thumb impression, as the case may be, and it should be duly notarized or attested by an authorized member of the staff of the Transplant Inquiry Committee. The Affidavit should clearly indicate that the information provided in the Complaint are true to the best knowledge of the Complainant; no suit, appeal or any proceedings are pending in any court of competent jurisdiction regarding the complaint; no allegation in the Complaint is made without reasonable and justifiable ground (s) and without any malicious intent to defame, harass, embarrass and/or pressurize the party complained against.
(4) Every Complaint shall also be accompanied by a copy of the computerized National Identity Card, address of the aggrieved person, Medical records (if any), correspondence with the recognized institution (if any) and other documents in support of the Complaint.
(5) In case the Complaint is proved to be false, the Complainant shall be liable to pay fine, which may extend to two hundred thousand (Rs. 200,000/-).
(6) The Transplant Inquiry Committee shall not entertain the complaint if
(a) It is not accompanied by the requisite affidavit as elaborated in the Rules.
(b) The complaint is anonymous or pseudonymous;
(c) The Complaint is time barred under sub-rule 2 of the Rule 45;
(d) The subject matter is sub-judice before a court of competent jurisdiction on the date of receipt of the complaint;
(e) The subject matter of the Complaint does not fall within the purview of the Act.
22. Receipt and Registration of the Complaint. (1) The Transplant Inquiry Committee after receiving the Complaint shall review it to decide on its maintainability in accordance with the Act and these Rules. If the Complaint is maintainable, the Transplant Inquiry Committee shall issue acknowledge receipt to the Complainant and notices to the party (ies) complained against.
23. Scope of Complaints. (1) The Transplant Inquiry Committee may accept a Complaint regarding medical negligence, maladministration, malpractice or failure in provision of the services in accordance with the Act and these Rules.
(2) A “recognized Institution or Transplant Surgeon or Physician” may be declared guilty of medical negligence on one of the following two findings:-
(a) The recognized Institution where a Transplant Surgeon or Physician renders services does not have the requisite human resource and equipment which it professes to have possessed; or
(b) The Transplant Surgeon or Physician or any of his associates do not possess the skills that they claim to possess, or they fail to exercise reasonable competence while rendering transplant Services.
(3) The recognized and known complications of a medical or surgical treatment are not considered as medical negligence.
(4) A complaint may be rejected in limine if the same is incompetent and/or is not maintainable under the Act and these Rules, or does not require any other investigation for any other reason in view of the Transplant Inquiry Committee.
(5) If the complaint has been rejected by the Transplant Inquiry Committee under sub-rule 4 of the Rule 22, the Complainant, may within thirty (30) days from the date of the receipt of the decision of the Transplant Inquiry Committee, may file a Representation before Authority challenging the same.
(6) The decision of Authority on the Representation shall be final.
24. Severity of Complaint. (1) The severity of an act of medical negligence, maladministration, malpractice, or any other act or omission that resulted in compromised Transplant service will be categorized as;
(a) Severe – which has resulted in or contributed to the death of the patient
(b) Moderate – which has resulted in or contributed to the permanent loss of function of a part of body
(c) Mild – which has resulted in or contributed to the temporary loss of function of a part of body, or it has delayed the process of recovery from a medical condition
(2) The Transplant Inquiry Committee after ascertaining the severity of a Complaint as per provision in the sub-rule 1 of the Rule 23 of these Rules, may recommend the concerned recognized institution for penalty to the Authority as below:
(a) For cases of severe and moderate nature – A fine which may extend up to one million Rupees (Rs. 1,000,000/-) and/or Closure of recognized institution or both with reference to the professional bodies for taking action under their rules and laws. 
In cases where criminal negligence has been proved, the matter may also be referred by the Authority through the Transplant Monitory Committee for criminal proceedings under the PPC and CrPC to the court.
(b) For cases of moderate nature – A fine which may extend up to five hundred thousand Rupees (Rs. 500,000/-) and/or Closure of the recognized institution.
(c) For cases of mild nature – A fine which may extend up to five hundred thousand Rupees (Rs. 500,000/-).

25.  Confidentiality of the Information. It shall be the duty of all involved in any proceedings pending before the Authority or any of its committee under the Act to keep all the information brought before them including but not limited to the details of the proceedings, confidential.
26. Regulations:- In all matters not expressly provided for in the Act or Rules the Authority may make regulations not inconsistent with the Act or Rules.


Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Transplantation Regulatory Authority Rules, 2017
(To be completed by the prospective close blood donor) [Refer rule]
My full name isText Box: To be affixed and attested by Notary Public after it is affixed................................................................................................................... and this is my photograph

Photograph of the Donor
(Attested by Notary Public)

My permanent Home address is ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Tel........................................................................
My present Home address is: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Tel..........................................................................
Date of birth........................................................................................................................ (Day/month/year)
·         National Identity Card number and Date of issue & place.........................................
and / or
·         Form B of National Data Registration Authority (NADRA) of that family unit.
and / or
·         Passport number and country of issue…….................................................................
where available (photocopy attached)
 and/ or
·         Driving License number, Date of issue, licensing authority.....................................
where available (photocopy attached)
And/ or
·         Other proof of identity and address............................................................
I hereby authorize removal for the therapeutic purposes/ consent to donate my............................................. (state which organ) to my relative ....................................  (specify son/ daughter/ father/ mother/ brother/ sister), whose name is ............................................................................................ and who was born on ......................................................................... (day/ month/ year) and whose particulars are as follows:
Text Box: To be affixed and attested by Notary Public after it is affixed.

Photograph of the Recipient
                          (Attested by Notary Public)

·              National Identity Card number and Date of issue & place.............................
(Photocopy attached)
and / or
·         Form B of National Data Registration Authority (NADRA) of that family unit.
and / or
·         Passport number and country of issue.......................................................................
where available (Photocopy attached)
and/ or
·         Driving License number, Date of issue, licensing authority......................................
Where available (photocopy attached)
 and/ or
·         Other proof of identity and address.............................................................................
I solemnly affirm and declare that:
Sections 2, 3 and 11 of The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Ordinance 2017 have been explained to me and I confirm that:
1.       I understand the nature of criminal offences referred to in the Sections.
2.       No payment of money or money’s worth as referred to in the Sections of the
        Act has been made to me or will be made to me or any other person.
3.       I am giving the consent and authorization to remove my........................... (Organ). of my own free will without any undue pressure, inducement, influence or
4.       I have been given a full explanation of the nature of the medical procedure
involved and the risks involved for me in the removal of my ..................................................................... (organ). That explanation was given by ........................................... (name of recognized transplant surgeon or physician).

5.       I understand the nature of that medical procedure and of the risks to me as        explained by that practitioner.
6.       I understand that I may withdraw my consent to the removal of that organ at        any time before the operation takes place.
7.       I state that particulars filled by me in the form are true and correct to my        knowledge and nothing material has been concealed by me.

.................................... ........................               …………………………………
Signature of the prospective donor                             Date

Note: To be sworn before Notary Public, who while attesting shall ensure that the person/ persons swearing the affidavit(s) sign(s) on the Notary Registrar, as well.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Transplantation Regulatory Authority Rules, 2017 FORM 2
(To be completed by the prospective spousal donor)
[Refer rule 3]
My full name is …………….................................................................................................................. and this is my photograph
Text Box: To be affixed and attested by Notary Public after it is affixed.
Photograph of the Donor
 (Attested by Notary Public)

My permanent Home address is: ........................................................................................ ..................... ....................................................................................................................... Tel............................................................................
My present Home address is: ............................................................................................. ..........................Tel..................................Date of birth ................................................. .........(day/month/year)
I authorize to removal for therapeutic purposes/ consent to donate my
................................................................ (state which organ) to my husband/wife ………………………………….whose full name is …..……............................ ................................ and who was born on  ........................................................ (day/ month/ year) and whose particulars are as follows:
Text Box: To be affixed and attested by Notary Public after it is affixed.

       (Photograph of the Recipient)
(Attested by Notary Public)

·      National Identity Card number and Date of issue & place.................................
and / or
·      Passport number and country of issue................................................................
where available (photocopy attached)
and/ or
·      Driving License number, Date of issue, licensing authority ……..............................

·      where available (photocopy attached)
and/ or
·      Other proof of identity and address…………...................................... I submit the following evidence of being married to the recipient:-
·      Certified copy of a marriage certificate.
·      an affidavit of a ‘close blood relative’ confirming the status of marriage to be sworn before Class-I Magistrate / Notary Public.
·      Family photographs/ marriage photographs.
·      Letter from Nazim/ Councilor certifying factum and status of marriage.
·      Other credible evidence including the Form B of National Data Registering   Authority (NADRA) of that family unit.
I solemnly affirm and declare that:
Sections 2, 3 and 11 of The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Ordinance 2017 have been explained to me and I confirm that:
1.     I understand the nature of criminal offences referred to in the Sections.
2.     No payment of money or money’s worth as referred to in the Sections of the Ordinance has been made to me or will be made to me or any other person.
3.     I am giving the consent and authorization to remove my................................... (organ) of my own free will without any undue pressure, inducement, influence or allurement.
4.     I have been given a full explanation of the nature of the medical procedure
involved and the risks involved for me in the removal of my ....................................(organ). That explanation was given by ...........................................(name of recognized transplant surgeon or physician).
5.     I understand the nature of that medical procedure and of the risks to me as explained by that practitioner.
6.     I understand that I may withdraw my consent to the removal of that            organ at any time before the operation takes place.
7.     I state that particulars filled by me in the form are true and correct to my knowledge and nothing material has been concealed by me.

....................................                                 ..............................................
Signature of the prospective donor                             Date

Note: To be sworn before Notary Public, who while attesting shall ensure that the person/ persons swearing the affidavit(s) sign(s) on the Notary Registrar, as well.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Transplantation Regulatory Authority Rules, 2017 FORM 3
(To be completed by the prospective non close blood donor)
[Refer rule 3]
My full name is ........................................................................................................ and this is my photograph

Text Box: To be affixed and attested by Notary Public after it is affixed.Photograph of the Donor
(Attested by Notary Public)

My permanent Home address is: ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................……………….. Tel:……………………………................................................................................
My present Home address: is...................................................................................  Tel.......................................................................
Date of birth................................................................................(day/ month/ year)
·      National Identity Card number and Date of issue & place....................................
·      (photocopy attached)
and / or
·      Passport number and country of
where available (photocopy attached)
 and/ or
·      Driving License number, Date of issue, licensing authority .................................
where available (photocopy attached)
and/ or
·      Other proof of identity and address............................................................
·      Details of last three years income and vocation of donor ............................................................................................................................................. ...................................................
·      A description of the relationship / interaction with the recipient in the past.................................................................................................................
I hereby authorize to remove for therapeutic purposes/ consent to donate my ............................................. (state which organ) to a person whose full name is ................................................ and who was born on ................................. (day/ month/ year) and whose particulars are

Text Box: To be affixed and attested by Notary Public after it is affixed.
Photograph of the Donor
(Attested by Notary Public)

·      National Identity Card number and Date of issue & place....................................
(photocopy attached)
and / or
·      Passport number and country of
where available (photocopy attached)
and/ or
·      Driving License number, Date of issue, licensing authority .................................
where available (photocopy attached)
and/ or
·      Other proof of identity and address.............................................................................

I solemnly affirm and declare that:
Sections 2, 3 and 11 of The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Ordinance 2017 have been explained to me and I confirm that:
1.     I understand the nature of criminal offences referred to in the Sections.
2.     No payment of money or money’s worth as referred to in the Sections ofthe Ordinance has been made to me or will be made to me or any other person.
3.     I am giving the consent and authorization to remove my..................... (organ) of my own free will without any undue pressure, inducement, influence or allurement.
4.     I have been given a full explanation of the nature of the medical procedure involved and the risks involved for me in the removal of my ................................(organ), that explanation was given by ........................................... (name of recognized transplant surgeon or physician).
5.     I understand the nature of that medical procedure and of the risks to me as explained by that practitioner.
6.     I understand that I may withdraw my consent to the removal of that organ at any time before the operation takes place.
7.     I state that particulars filled by me in the form are true and correct to my knowledge and nothing material has been concealed by me.

........................................................       ………………………………………
Signature of the prospective donor                             Date
Note: To be sworn before Notary Public, who while attesting shall ensure that the person/ persons swearing the affidavit(s) sign(s) on the Notary Registrar, as well.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Transplantation Regulatory Authority Rules, 2017
(To be completed by the recognized transparent surgeon or physician)
I Dr. ................................................................................. Processing qualification of………………...............................  registered as medical practitioner at serial no the......................................................... Medical Council, certify that I have examined Mr./ Mrs. Ms. ……………… …… .. . . ..........................  S/o, D/o, W/o........................................... .......aged ........... ...... ...... ..................who has given informed consent about donation of the organ, namely...... Mr./ Mrs./ Ms. ........................ ...............   ............. .......  ... ...... who is a ‘close blood relative’ of the donor/ non close blood relative of the donor, who had been approved by the Transplant Evaluation Committee and that the said  donor is in proper state of health and is medically fit to be subjected to the procedure of organ removal.

Place......................................                                    ……………………………..

Date................................................................                      Signature of Doctor Seal
Text Box: To be affixed and attested by the doctor concerned. The Signatures and seal should partially appear on photograph and document without disfiguring the face in photograph.

Photograph of the Donor
Photograph of the Recipient
(Attested by doctor) (Attested by doctor)

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Transplantation Regulatory Authority Rules, 2017   . FORM 5
(To be completed by the recognized transplant surgeon or physician)
[Refer rule 5(1)(e)]
I, Dr. .................................................... Processing qualification of …… …...... .. .................... ............................. registered as medical practitioner at serial no. .............................................................................. by the................................ Medical Council, certify that- (i).Mr.................................................S/o Mr....................aged........................Resident of ……………..........................and Mrs.............................d/o, W/o Mr..................................................... aged .........................Resident of ............ ....................................................... are related to each other as spouse according to the statement given by them and their statement has been confirmed by means of following evidences by Transplant Evaluation Committee before effecting the organ removal from the body of the said Mr./ Mrs./ Ms. .........................................

Place.....................................................................        …………………………………..
Date.....................................                             Signature of Doctor Seal

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Transplantation Regulatory Authority Rules, 2017
(To be completed by person in his / her lifetime revoking his/ her authorization to donate his / her organs / tissues after death)
[Refer rule 4(2)]
I .............................................................................. S/o, d/o, w/o Mr.......................... .... ..........aged ..............................Resident of.............................................................. the presence of persons mentioned below hereby unequivocally revoke my authorization dated ........................................................................... and after my death my organ/organs, namely ...................................................... shall not be removed from my body for therapeutic purposes.

Date.....................................                                                 ……………………………
Signature of Donor

(1). Mr./ Mrs./ Ms. .......................................................... S/o, D/o, W/o, Mr.....................................................aged..............................resident of…..................... ............................................................................................................................................................................Tel....................................
Signature: ...............................................................
(2). Mr./ Mrs./ Ms. .......................................................... S/o, D/o, W/o, Mr.....................................................aged………………………………..............................resident of ............................................................................................................. a close blood relative to the donor as .........................................................................................

Date .............................................

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Transplantation Regulatory Authority Rules, 2017
(To be filed by a person having lawful possession of the dead body)
I ............................................................ S/o, d/o, w/o Mr, ..............................aged ......... ............. resident of .................................................................................. .................................................. having lawful possession of the dead body of Mr./ Mrs./ Ms.......................................................s/o/d/o/w/o Mr…….............................................. ..................aged of............................ resident of ...................................................... ........................................................ having known that the deceased has singed Form 6 for therapeutic purposes after his/ her death and also having reasons to believe that no close blood relative of the said deceased person has objection to any of his/ her organ being used for therapeutic purposes, authorize removal of the body organs, namely...........................................................

Person in lawful possession of the dead body Address;

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Transplantation Regulatory Authority Rules, 2017
(To be filled by the Board of Medical Experts)
[Refer rule 5(3)(a)]
We, the following members of the Board of Medical Experts after careful personal examination,
hereby certify that Mr./Mrs./Ms............................... .......................aged........................ S/o, d/o, w/o...................................................................resident of............................... dead on account of permanent an irreversible cessation of all functions of the brain-stem. The tests carried out by us and the findings therein are recorded in the brain-stem death certificate annexed hereto.

Date.....................................                Signature.............................................
1. Medical Director or Medical Superintendent of the Hospital
 2. A neurosurgeon/neurophysician; and
3. An intensivist.

(A). Patient Details:
1. Name of the patient: Mr. Mrs./Ms..................................................................................................S/o, d/o, w/o………………………………………………………….......
Sex: Male……………………Female…………………………..Age.................... years
3. Hospital Number........................................................................................
4. Name and address of next of kin of person responsible for the patient (if none exist, this must be specified). .......................................................... ............... resident of.................................................................................................
5. Has the patient or next kin agreed to any transplant? .................................................................
6. Is this a police case?        yes        No
(B) Pre-conditions:
1. Diagnosis: Did the patient suffer from any illness or accident that led to irreversible brain damage? Specify details
Date and time of accident/ onset of illness............................................................
Date and onset of no-responsible coma?.............................................................
2. Finding of Board of Medical Experts:
(1) The following reversible causes of coma have been excluded:
Intoxication (Alcohol)
Depressant Drugs
Relaxants (Neuromuscular Blocking agents)
First Medical Examination
      1st                          2nd
Second Medical Examination
1st                          2nd
Primary hypothermia
Hypovolemic shock
Metabolic or endocrine Disorders
Tests for absent of Brain stem functions

2. Coma
3. Cessation of spontaneous breathing
4. Pupillary size
5. Pupillary light reflexes
6. Dolt’s Head eyes movement
7. Corneal reflexes (Both Sizes)
8. Motor response in any cranial nerve distribution, any responses to simulation of face, limb or trunk
9. Gag reflex
10. Cough (Tracheal)
11. Eye movements on caloric testing bilaterally
12. Apnea tests as specified
13. Were any respiratory movements seen?
Date and time of first testing................................................................................
Date and time of second testing.............................................................................
This to certify that the patient has been carefully examined twice after an interval of about six hours and on the basis of findings recorded above.
Mr./ Mrs. Ms......................................................................... is declared brain- stem dead.
1. Medical Director or Medical Superintendent of the Hospital
2. A neurosurgeon/neurophysician; and
3. An intensivist.
The minimum time interval between the first testing and second testing will be six hours.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Transplantation Regulatory Authority Rules, 2017
(To be completed by person in his / her lifetime and willing to donate his/ her organ / tissues after death)
[Refer rule 4(1)]
I ........................................ S/o, d/o, w/o Mr, ............................................... aged .................... resident of .......................................................................................... ..... .......................................... the presence of persons mentioned below hereby unequivocally authorize the removal of my body organs, namely ................................................................................. ................................. from my body after my death for therapeutic purposes.

                                                                                Signature of the donor


(1). Mr./ Mrs./ Ms. .......................................................... S/o, D/o, W/o, Mr.....................................................aged..............................resident of................. .........................................................................................................................................................................................Tel....................................
(2). Mr./ Mrs./ Ms. .......................................................... S/o, D/o, W/o, Mr.....................................................aged..............................resident of ……….......... a close blood relative to the donor as……………….....................................................................................
Date .............................................

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Transplantation Regulatory Authority Rules, 2017 FORM 9
(to be filed by either parent of dead child under 18 years)
[Refer rule 5(3) (b)]
I Mr. / Mrs./ Ms.................................................................. Son of, wife of…….... ............................. resident of ………………......................................................... ....................................................... hereby authorize removal of the organ/ organs namely........................................ For therapeutic purposes from the dead body of my son/ daughter, Mr/ Mrs. .......................................... aged .......................................... whose brain stem death has been duly certified in accordance with the law

Name .................................................
Place....... ..........................................
Date ..................................................

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Transplantation Regulatory Authority Rules, 2017
Application for Approval for Transplantation (Live Donor)
(To be completed by the proposed recipient and the proposed donor)
[Rule 5(1) (a)]
Text Box: To be self-attested across the affixed photograph 

Photograph of the Donor                             Photograph of the Donor
(Self-attested)                                    (Self-attested)
I ............................................................. S/o, w/o ............................................................ ............. aged .................................... residing at ............................................................. have been advised by my doctor .......................................................................that I am suffering from.......................... ..................................... and may be benefited by transplantation of.................................into my body.
And whereas I ...........................................s/o, d/o, w/o..................................... aged .................................... residing at........................................................ by the following reason(s):-
a)    by virtue of being a close blood relative i.e.
b)    by reason of affection/attachment/other special reason as explained below:-
I would therefore like to donate my ....................................... to Mr./ Mrs/ Ms......................
We.........................................................and....................................................................... (Donor)                                                                                                 (Recipient)
To be self attested across the affixed photograph hereby apply to Transplant Evaluation Committee for permission for such transplantation to be carried out.
We solemnly affirm that the above decision has been taken without any undue pressure, inducement, influence or allurement and that all possible consequences and options of organ transplantation have been explained to us.

Instructions for the applicants:-
1.     Form B must be submitted along with the completed Form 1(A), or Form 1(B) of Form 1(c) as may be applicable.
2.     The applicable Form i.e. Form 1(A) or Form 1(B) or Form 1(C) as the case may be, should be accompanied with all documents mentioned in the applicable form and all relevant queries set out in the applicable form must be adequately answered.
3.     Laboratory report soft issue typing.
4.     The doctor’s advice recommending transplantation must be enclosed with the application.
5.     In addition to above, in case the proposed transplant is between non close blood relative, appropriate evidence of vocation and income of the donor as well as the recipient preferably for the last three years must be enclosed with this application. It is clarified that the evidence of income does not necessarily mean the proof of income tax returns, keeping in view that the applicant(s) in a given case may not be filing income tax returns.
6.     The application shall be accepted for consideration by the Evaluation Committee only if it is complete in all respects and any omission of the documents or the information required in the forms mentioned above, shall render the application incomplete.
7.     A brief description of relationship / interaction in the past in case of non close blood relative.
We have read and understood the above instructions.
.................................                                    .......................................
Signature of the prospective donor              Signature of Prospective
Date.....................................         Date.....................................
 Place………………….........              Place .......................................

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Transplantation Regulatory Authority Rules, 2017
To be completed and sent to the Transplant Monitoring Committee, Ministry of Health, Islamabad. Email.
Name of the Institution: _____________________________________________
Mailing Address ______________________________________ Tel No.______________________
_____________________ Fax no._____________________________________ Email__________________________________
Name of the Head of the Institution _________________________________________________________________Designation_________________________________Mailing address _________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________Tel No._____________________ Fax no. ______________________________ Email__________________________________
Name of institution       Public Sector        Private        Any other ____________________________
Units/ departments accredited with CPSP/PMDC/University _________________________________________________________________

Sr. No.
Name of Specialty
Accreditation Authority
Name of Deptt. Heads with postgraduate qualification
(Kidney Transplant)

Nephrology (Kidney Transplant)

GI and Hepatology
(Liver & Intestinal transplant)

Pulmonology (Lung Transplant)

(Cardiac Transplant)

(BMT, Stem Cell Transplant)




(Provide list of faculty in all specialties with qualification and experience in Transplantation as Annexure)
Total beds in the institution:____________ Male _________ Female___________ Children _____________
No. of CPDs ___________ Attendance/ year Male _________ Female _________ Children_________________
Total beds of Transplant Unit:____________ Male _________ Female _________ Children _______________
Blood Bank proposed?                                    Yes              No
 If no, please specify about shortage___________________________
Are cross matching facilities available?               Yes               No
Are blood products available in house?              Yes               No
If no, what arrangements are in place for 24 hours availability________________
(Attach separate sheet if required)
Please supply a list of tests, which are done in the laboratory in the following area. (Attach spate sheet if required)
Bio-Chemistry _________________________________________________________________Histopathology _________________________________________________________________Microbiology _________________________________________________________________ Immunology _________________________________________________________________Drug Monitoring _________________________________________________________________Radiology
Please furnish a list of radiological tests routinely carried out in the institution (Attach separate sheet if required)

Specified diagnostic facilities:
CT Scan
Portable X-ray
Intensive Care Unit
If yes No. of ICU beds with high and monitoring and ventilation _________________________
Number of Monitors_____________________________________________ Total Ventilators available_______________
AGB machine in ICU              Yes              No                      Other facilities _____________________________________________________________________­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____________________________________________________________
Dialysis Yes No Availability of dialysis facility in ICU               Yes        No
If yes No. of Dialysis in hospital _____________ Number of sessions/ day
If the following specialties are not available in house please mention the arrangements for access at all times (Attach separate sheet if needed).
Infectious Disease
Operation Theatre and Anesthesiology
Please provide List of Equipment for transplant surgery as annexure.
Record Keeping
Systems of storage and retrieval of records _________________________________________________________________Do you produce Annual Report?                            Yes               No
(if yes please furnish the copy of annual report of last year)
How are the case records maintained?       Manual        No computerized
Library Yes No
Working days of the Library_____________________Daily working hours_______________
(Please provide the list of Textbooks of Transplant Sciences and Journals available in the Institution Department)
Research Facilities
No. of in hand projects and title of research conducted by the faculty of the department:
(Attach separate sheet if needed) _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
Additional Essentials Activities/ Facilities
Nursing :     
Adequate number and of sufficient seniority to cover transplant ward and ICU
Medical Social Officer
(Transplant Coordinator):
Depending on transplant activity minimum of 3 to help out pre transplant assessment and donor selection
Isolation Facility:
1 to 2 rooms for isolation of patients when required
Dedicated staff to respond to needs of transplant  Patients specially immunosuppression, antibiotics           and other drugs
Seminar Room;
For daily patient related Meetings (AM and PM) Morbidity Mortality review, Clinical Audits
Other resources:

Computers, Video films, internet access, multimedia Video conferencing facilities with reference centre in future.
Orthopedics _____________________________________________________________________
Operation Theatre and Anesthesiology
Please provide List of Equipment for transplant surgery as annexure.
Record Keeping
Systems of storage and retrieval of records____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Do you produce Annual Report?                                                                        Yes                        No
(if yes please furnish the copy of annual report of last year)
How are the case records maintained?                                     Manual              computerized
Working day of the Library_______________ Daily working hours________________
(Please provide the list of Textbooks of Transplant Sciences and Journals available in the Institution Department)
Research Facilities
No. of in hand projects and title of research conducted by the faculty of the department. (Attach separate sheet if needed)
_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
Additional Essentials Activities/ Facilities:
Nursing :     
Adequate number and of sufficient seniority to cover transplant ward and ICU
Medical Social Officer
(Transplant Coordinator):
Depending on transplant activity minimum of 3 to help out pre transplant assessment and donor selection
Isolation Facility:
1 to 2 rooms for isolation of patients when required
Dedicated staff to respond to needs of transplant  Patients specially immunosuppression, antibiotics           and other drugs
Seminar Room;
For daily patient related Meetings (AM and PM) Morbidity Mortality review, Clinical Audits
Other resources:

Computers, Video films, internet access, multimedia Video conferencing facilities with reference centre in future.
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Transplantation Regulatory Authority Rules, 2017
(As per government format)

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Transplantation Regulatory Authority Rules, 2017
(As per government format)

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Transplantation Regulatory Authority Rules, 2017
S. No. _________________                            Date ___________________
Name __________________________________________ s/w/d/o_______________ ______ Age _______________________ Sex _______________________________ Occupation___________________________________
Phone: _________________________________________________________________
Primary School
Secondary School
Recipient’s Name:________________________ Relationship__________________________________ Tax no._________________ Site of Nephrectomy:____________________________ Right        Left
Date of Nephrectomy:_______________________


Rehabilitation:                     Working              Not Working
Reason for not working___________________________________________________
Illnesses in intervening period:
Liver disease



 Long Term Medications:
Name of Drugs

Family History:
Renal Failure
Angina / MI
Martial History

Number of Wives __________________ Total Children ____________________Males _________ Females ________________
Father: alive / expired Mother: alive/ expired Brothers _______Sister ____________
Obstetric History:
FTND _________________________
LSCS _________________________
Menstrual History
Menarche __________________    
Still Births _______________________
Last Delivery _____________________
LMP ____________________________


Mid-Morning Snack


Afternoon Snack


Bed-Time Snack

Cooking:              Medium        Ghee               Oil         Atta       Exercise:_______________
General Examination: Weight________________ Height _______________________
BMI__________________ Oedema        Lymph Nodes        Throid              Pallor Jaundice Clubbing
Blood Pressure: Lying_________ Sitting____________ Standing________________
Systemic Examination:
JVP __________Heart Sounds _____________ Murmurs _______________________
Respiratory Systems:
Auscultation of Lung Fields __________Advent.___________Sounds______________
GI: Oray Cavity: Tenth __________ Gums ___________ Tongue__________________
Liver __________ Spleen_________Kidney__________Scar ____________________
Nervous System:
Cranial Nerves ________ Reflexes______Coordinator _____Deep Reflexes ________
Depression____________       Satisfaction _____________       Fear ____________________

Doctor’s Name____________________ Signature ____________________________

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Transplantation Regulatory Authority Rules, 2017

(As per government format)


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